Monday, November 16, 2009

About GokiChan's Closet

I swear doing an "About" is one of the most difficult things to do in the writing and public speaking arena. I mean really... can you sum up who you are, what you do and what something is really about in a few sentences... Not I. If I tried I would surely think of a thousand things I could have said that would have described my "About" so much better. So, to save myself the frustration we're going to pretend that I already told you what this blog is about.

So, moving on let's chat and really get to know each other.

I'm Goki... It's a Japanese name that was given to me by my best friend (American) who honestly didn't know it was a Japanese word and certainly didn't know what it meant. No I don't care to share what it means... but just know it's kinda cute none-the-less. I got this name when I was about 19 and it stuck just because it was similar to my real name Gloria, often shortened to GoChan or GloChan but most often GokiChan. Why all the Japanese? Well it's simple really, I lived in Tokyo for about 7 years. I love Japanese culture and yes I speak and read the language.

Moving right along, at he age of 19 I had acquired the body of a goddess ... courtesy of the fitness training of the United States Air Force.

And, what does one do when they fit everything they try on in the dressing room? That's right... til U drop! I rocked any and everything fabulous. Chanel , Vuitton and coach were my favorites And lucky for me you never get too fat for designer bags... My knee high boots and the rest of my clothes are now another story

So, what's a girl to do with a closet full of fabulousness
and a figure that's too curvy to wear one scrap of it?

With all this information, I'm sure you know what's next. It's time to let some things go, share the wealth and provide goodies to the masses.

Which brings me to the point of GokiChan's Closet. This blog is a venue to purchase my goodies that sit in my closet sad because they remember a time they strutted the streets of Tokyo skimming over my once body. Here you will find a bit of everything. I am a style shape-shifter by nature so I have amassed pieces that are uptown, downtown, J-gyaru, urban, boho, chic, vamp, sexy, punk, posh and whatever else you can think of. It's just time I let those things go.


Because, it's those things that keep me wishing to be thin and not actually focusing on the real objective "getting thin again"! I've allowed a closet of clothes I desperately want to get "back" in change my life. So much so, I found myself wallowing in self pity and conjuring thoughts that I will never get "back" in those ensembles.

So, that's when I had an epiphany

Who needs to go back? The fabulous Edna Mode (Disney's "The Incredibles") said it best, "I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now." The now is gaining control over myself once again. This is my new outlook as I embark on shaping my new body. Through this blog, I take each piece from my closet, telling you it's past, and it makes it's way through the mail to some lucky buyer, we give these pieces and ourselves a new future.

Mega Pinky Love Shopping


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